SwisscombiTrophy 2016

Wow what a nice Weekend at the SwissCombiTrophy in Lotzwil... My Dogs aren't so bad like i think after the Show in Donaueschingen... ❤️ Ostara von der Mühlehalde get Exc in a strong Openclass (11) also Silverhawk's Zapzarap get Exc in Juniorclass (5)... Cherubim's Royal Highness Hermine get Exc 3 in Juniorclass and also Odin von der Mühlehalde get Exc3 in Openclass with 7 males... Persephone von der Mühlehalde get Exc 2 ResJCAC in Juniorclass and Pan von der Mühlehalde get Exc 1 JCAC in Juniorclass (1)... ❤️Thanks to the honorable Judge Mr. J. Sillers from the USA... Thanks Martina Bärtsch for the perfect presentation of Hermine... At Sunday at the Corsing we had only Odin von der Mühlehalde who was secondlast but he get the 3rd Place in Combination Beauty & Performance (5)